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Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War

Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War

This is a speaking and listening investigation lesson plan and presentation I have miss placed the cards to help with the lesson investigation but one can create their own
Zero Hours Contract Speaking and Listening  Lesson Presentation

Zero Hours Contract Speaking and Listening Lesson Presentation

This is functional skills lesson presentation that involves speaking and listening , reading and writing activity centred around a topical employability issue of zero hours contract. Learners gather information and discuss whether they would sign or not sign a zero hours contract. Learners are challenged to come come up with a contract that would make them a popular political candidate in an election. Learners get to draw a poster to use in campaign speech that they deliver in front of the class and everyone votes using made up ballot papers to decide which is the most attractive contract. Learners review their choices in a classroom exercise of British value of democracy.